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Solar Classroom

If you want to learn more about how solar photovoltaic (PV) panels convert sunlight into electricity, this is a good place to start! 


Panel Composition

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are composed of monocrystalline solar cells confined between glass with a metal frame. The silicon, glass, and metal framing used in the manufacture of solar panels are non-toxic. The interior components of a PV solar panel consist of solidified materials that won't ever leak liquid or gaseous materials into their surroundings, causing no harm to humans nor the environment. 

Land Stewardship

Buckheart Solar will maintain and protect the leased land during the life of the project, after which it will revert to the owner’s control and be available again for traditional farming after full decommissioning of the site. Solar development and traditional agriculture can co-exist side-by-side and increasingly are found together. Responsible solar development provides benefits to both agriculture and local ecosystems by improving soil health over time, increasing biodiversity, retaining water and topsoil with deep-rooted vegetation, and nurturing native pollinators which support local food production.


Illinois farmers produce world-class products.  As stewards of the land, they understand the need to balance productivity and environmental protection.  Buckheart Solar will be built primarily on agricultural land, and while the product produced is not traditionally agricultural, it generates a necessary, renewable product, and continues the tradition of Illinois’ agricultural leadership.  Clean solar energy is produced without air or water pollution and provides a revenue stream for farmers, their families, and the local community. At the end of the project’s economic life, the land will be once again available for traditional agriculture.


Although some worry about the use of agricultural land for solar energy generation, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory found that it would take only 3.5% of U.S. cropland to meet 100% of the energy demand via solar installations. They anticipate actually needing only 1-2% of agricultural land in combination with other energy sources.

48 N. Main St. | Canton, IL | 61520

© 2022 by Buckheart Solar Project

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